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source: In what can only be described as explosive growth KA”H of the Crown Heights community, just in time for the busy Tishrei season, Crown Heights Hatzalah recently welcomed a seventh Ambulance, CH-907 to better service the neighborhood. This will allow an even faster response time and wider coverage area of the ever-expanding Crown […]
source: Message from the wife of a Hatzalah volunteer: “My husband is a Hatzalah first responder, and as his wife, I couldn’t be prouder. Filling the role of a volunteer’s wife comes packaged with some unique factors. Let me go back to my story to explain.” It was a typical Thursday evening in the […]
source: Crown Heights Hatzalah welcomed a brand new Ambulance last week, dedicated by Elke and Moshe Malamud in honor of all of the selfless Hatzalah members and their families and in z’chus of their parents, Reb Shmuel and Rosalyn Malamud and Reb Yaacov and Chana Devorah Pinson. This past week, Crown Heights Hatzalah welcomed a brand new Ambulance. This is the 6th Ambulance to join […]