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source: SAFETY BULLETIN FROM CROWN HEIGHTS HATZALAH Chanukah Safety Tips PREVENTION• Place your menorah on a steady, sturdy, non-flammable surface, or cover the surface with aluminum foil.• DO NOT leave flammable items near the menorah.• DO NOT place the menorah near curtains or any other objects that can catch on fire.• DO […]
source: Crown Heights Hatzalah will be setting up a first aid station in 770 to better serve the Crown Heights community over Tishrei and the many thousands of extra guests. With their signature ahavas yisroel and constant goal to improve medical care for the Crown Heights community and its visitors, Crown Heights Hatzalah will […]
source: Volunteers helping volunteers: Members of Crown Heights Chaverim lent a hand to a Crown Heights Hatzalah ambulance that needed help with a flat tire.
source: A new Sefer Torah is being written in Crown Heights in merit of the speedy recovery of businessman and philanthropist Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald by his family and partners from United For Protection and the Hatzalah-Thon. As hundreds of Chassidim worldwide traveled to Almaty to honor the Rebbe on the inspiring 80th yahrzeit of his father, […]
source: Hatzalah Thanks Corporate Sponsors Community, All Anash, and Shluchim for Successful Campaign. Blowing past its initial fundraising goal and almost completing its bonus round, Hatzalah of Crown Heights has one thing to say: Thank you! The Hatzalathon that has become an annual tradition around Lag Baomer time was, baruch Hashem, once again a […]
source: We’ve all been there. The sun sets, the world slows down, and everything comes to a silent standstill. And then it happens. An emergency occurs, and medical help is needed—and fast. We’ve all been there. The sun sets, the world slows down, and everything comes to a silent standstill. The neighborhood is fast […]
source: When Crown Heights Hatzlah rushes to a patient and gauges what equipment, gear, and/or medications will be needed, money indeed is never a factor. When Crown Heights Hatzlah rushes to a patient and gauges what equipment, gear, and/or medications will be needed, money indeed is never a factor. Whatever it takes to […]
source: Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, encouraged Shluchim to unite to say thank you to Crown Heights Hatzalah for their selfless work. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and head of the International Kinus Hashluchim convention, wrote the following message to Chabad Shluchim worldwide: What’s one special thing that […]
source: As seen in a just released new rendering, exciting developments are underway at the Hatzalah HQ in Crown Heights. As seen in a just released new rendering, exciting developments are underway at the Hatzalah HQ in Crown Heights. It wasn’t too long ago that Hatzalah announced to the community that after many years […]
source: Rabbi Yossi Rapp, a dedicated member of Crown Heights Hatzalah and leader of Chabad Air, assisted a NY State inspector with putting on Tefillin for his first time during Chevra Hatzalah’s annual inspection.