Never assume the obvious; your patient's life is at stake - MVC & AMS
By Paul A. Matera, MD, EMT-P
A single-vehicle MVC occurred one sunny spring afternoon on a notoriously
dangerous, winding road. The car crossed the double yellow lines and hit a
pole on the other side of the street. Non-involved witnesses are on scene.
The posted speed limit is 45 mph. The first-due EMS and fire units arrive
and begin evaluation and treatment. The vehicle did not have air bags, but
the driver was wearing a seatbelt.
The crew takes scene safety measures, begins assessing ABCs, conducts the
primary survey and stabilizes the C-spine. Because of deformity of the front
bumper and hood of more than 24", the patient requires extrication. The
on-scene officer in- charge declares incident command (IC) and upgrades the
call to a rescue box alarm. On arrival of the remainder of the rescue box
assignment, the patient, who has been stuporous, becomes agitated and
combative. His airway is stable, his breathing is unlabored, and he has
slightly tachycardic peripheral pulses.
The patient has a GCS of 12 (3/4/5) and no obvious focal neuro motor
deficits. The EMS providers continue care while extrication begins. Due to
the mechanism of injury (high-speed deceleration), the presenting findings
(agitation and combativeness) and head trauma (facial lacerations with soft
tissue swelling), the crews request a helicopter to transport the patient to
a trauma center. Their working diagnosis is a severe closed-head trauma with
increased intracranial pressure.
A supervisor arrives on scene and learns that the 25-year-old male patient
has been stabilized and immobilized for extrication. Vital signs: pulse 120
and regular, blood pressure 150/90, respirations 20 and unlabored, and 100%
pulse oximetry on nasal cannula. GCS remains 12 (3/4/5); otherwise, the
patient is neurologically grossly intact. The patient has suffered several
facial lacerations and contusions, but crews have his bleeding under
No obvious skull fracture, gross spinal deformities or crepitus is noted.
The patient's airway is patent, and his lung exam is normal. His heart exam
is normal, except for tachycardia. There are some bilateral chest
abrasions/contusions and positive seatbelt signs, but no frank rib
fractures. His abdomen is soft and apparently not tender. The extremities
all move equally, with no gross deformity. The helicopter is 20 minutes out.
Then someone recognizes the patient as a firefighter from a nearby station.
An added measure of anxiety becomes evident on scene. Extrication continues,
as do the patient's confusion and combativeness.
A senior supervisor arrives on scene and is briefed on the status, treatment
and transport plan for the member of his service. Mechanism of injury, vital
signs, physical exam, pulse oximetry, ECG rhythm strip findings and the
altered mental status (AMS)/closed head trauma working diagnosis are
reviewed. A C-collar has been placed, and oxygen and IV fluids are running.
As soon as extrication is complete, the providers plan to intubate the
patient for airway protection during transport and to potentially begin
treatment for increased intracranial pressure.
The senior supervisor asks for a finger stick blood glucose (FSBG) test.
He's concerned by the nature of the MVC- single vehicle, sunny day, young
patient- and he wants to be as complete as possible in the field in
evaluating an AMS patient. The FSBG is then completed and reveals a reading
of 22.
A 25 g dose of dextrose is administered via slow IV push. Within three
minutes, the patient is alert and oriented times four. A repeat physical
examination reveals a fully conscious, cooperative and coherent patient.
Minor facial lacerations, contusions and various abrasions appear to be his
only injuries. Normal sinus rhythm is noted on the monitor and BP is now
130/76. RR is 16 and unlabored. The helicopter transports the patient to a
trauma center for evaluation.
This patient has an uneventful overnight hospital stay and is discharged,
ambulatory, the next morning. One week earlier, the patient had been newly
diagnosed with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and placed on
an oral agent. The patient had taken his morning medication, but had not yet
eaten lunch when the MVC occurred.
This case illustrates the need to focus on presenting complaints rather than
an incomplete diagnosis. In this case, the AMS caused the MVC, not the other
way around. The AMS was caused by hypoglycemia, resulting from improper diet
following ingestion of hypoglycemic agents for treatment of NIDDM. It would
have been poor medical care and professionally embarrassing for this patient
to arrive at a trauma center with untreated hypoglycemia as his only cause
Paul A. Matera, MD, EMT-P, is a fire surgeon with Anne Arundel County Fire
Department and a police surgeon with Maryland Natural Resources Police. He
also chairs the Street Medicine Society. Contact him at pmateraMD@aol.com.
MVC = Motor Vehicle Collision
AMS = Altered Mental Status
ECG = Eco-CardioGram
GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale
IV = Intravenous
BP = Blood Pressure
RR = Respiratory Rate