Burn Concerns
Extreme heat, such as flames, hot liquids, hot metal, flash explosions and the sun's radiation can cause burn injuries.
Chemicals, such as acid lye and bleach are only some of the popular chemicals that can cause a burn.
What to do When a Burn Occurs
Stop the Burning Process
Remove the heat.
Stop, Drop, Roll
If clothes catch fire, smother the flames.
Do Not Run
Running makes the burn injury worse.
Call 911
Make the call for help immediately
Remove all Burned Clothing
Clothing may retain heat and cause deeper injuries
If clothes adhere to skin, cut or tear around adherent area.
Pour Cool Running Water Over Burn
Pour water over burned area for 10-15 minutes
Do Not Apply Ointments or Butter
They may cause infections due to their oil base and provoke deeper injury
For Minor Burn Injuries
Use an antiseptic spray to relieve and prevent infection.
Cover with a clean, dry dressing.
Wash daily with soap and water and change dressing.
If wound begins to drain excessively or have a foul odor seek immediate medical attention
Larger Surface Area Burns
Burns larger than a fist, cool the area as suggested above, cover with a dry clean dressing, then seek medical attention immediately
Assisting Electrically Injured Victim
Do not touch victim if he/she is still in touch with the source of electricity.
Dial 911 for emergency assistance.
Remove all jewelry, belts, tight clothing from burned area. Swelling of burned area occurs immediately
The above is for general informational purposes only. Always consult your
physician regarding specific medical issues and call Hatzalah or your local
ambulance service in the event of an emergency.
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