Removing a Ring from a Swollen Finger
When a finger on which a ring is being worn is injured or becomes swollen, it is usually best to remove the ring as soon as possible. This can sometimes be done by using a lubricant (eg, soap, olive oil, or antibacterial ointment). One alternative is to cut the ring off, if a cutter is available and the ring is not of great sentimental or financial value. It is possible to remove a ring intact from a moderately swollen finger using the following technique:
- Elevate the hand for several minutes to drain as much venous blood as possible.
- Lubricate the ring and the finger.
- With the hand still elevated, wrap the finger from the distal to the proximal end with fine twine, packing string, or dental floss. This compresses the swelling out of the finger temporarily.
- When you get to the ring, pass the end of the string under the ring (you may have to push it through with a toothpick or similar object) and begin to unwind. The ring will slowly be advanced by the string until it passes over the proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP) and can be removed.
The above is for general informational purposes only. Always consult your
physician regarding specific medical issues and call Hatzalah or your local
ambulance service in the event of an emergency.
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