Bike Safety
Riding a bicycle is more than just basic transportation- it can
be a fun and exciting hobby. When your children ride, remember that
they're not alone. They share the road with cars, trucks, pedestrians,
and other cyclists. Since accidents can turn a bicycle adventure
into a bicycling tragedy, here are some tips to help make your children's
ride a safe one.
Parents - What You Can Do
Tell children to wear helmets. Studies have shown that using a bicycle
helmet can reduce head injuries by up to 85 percent. Select a helmet
that has a snug, but comfortable fit. Look for the helmet labels
that show they are recommended by either the American National Standards
Institute, www.ansi.org, or the Snell Memorial Foundation, www.smf.org
Make sure children wear proper clothing. Clothing should be light
in color and close fitting to avoid being caught in the bicycle's
moving parts. Also, be sure books and other loose items are carried
in a backpack.
Teach children to obey the rules of the road. These include all
traffic signs, signals, and road markings. Teach children to ride
on the right side of the street in single file and to use proper
hand signals. Tell children never to hitch rides by grabbing onto
moving cars or trucks.
Teach children that before entering a street or intersection to
check for traffic and always look left-right-left. Walk the bike
across busy streets at corners or crosswalks.
Children's bikes should display both front and rear reflectors.
They should ride only in familiar areas and only during the daylight
Make sure children's bikes are adjusted properly. Check to make
sure that all parts are secure and working. The handlebars should
be firmly in place and turn easily. The wheels should be straight
and secure. Check tires for pressure, bulges, and cracks.
Teach children to always lock up their bike. A U-lock should be
used, securing both the front wheel and the frame to a stationary
object such as bike rack. Help children practice locking up their
Be sure children do not show off on their bikes. Hands should
be kept on the handlebars, only one person should be on the bike
at a time, and jumping curbs should not be allowed.
Record the serial numbers of your children's bikes and keep them
with the sales receipt and a photograph of the bike. Check with
local police or the National Bike Registry (NBR) at 800- 848-BIKE
about bike registration programs. NBR recently partnered with NCPC
to help return stolen bikes to their rightful owners.
Mark children's bikes with an engraver to deter thieves and to
help in identifying and returning a stolen bike. Use a unique number,
such as your driver's license number.
Information provided by:
National Crime Prevention Council and The Smart Route to Bicycle
For more information on Helmet Safety, please visit http://www.bhsi.org.
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